Sunday, March 20, 2005

Next lesson: Building a business!

The very next thing I'm learning will be to build a business. Already now, a group of friends and I have already started up a non-profit environmental organisation aiming to integrate environmental issues into everyone's daily lifestyle! It's great to build something and see it running. We are learning alot from this organisation. Managing people, learning how to go around to get funding for events and also event management. Wow! It's wonderful!

And just a few days back, my gf (future wife) and I had this great idea. We have seen pictures or even articles of ways the PCs and their peripherals being disposed at third world countries and causing so much damage to the world. Pollution, diseases and such. We want to start a company to help properly dispose of these computers, also providing service to ordinary home users to maintain their home PCs and to make it last longer so they do not need to dispose them so soon. This will help to reduce such waste as well as save the consumer end some $$$ to buy new PCs, depending on their need.

Based on the B-I triangle; On the outside, we have our Mission. Not sure if we have the leadership but I'll try to lead this business. As for Team, we are looking for people like computer experts as well as companies or people who can fund this. Inside the triangle, Product- we have it. Now what we need to learn is how to build the system management, communication management ,legal management and to generate cashflow. We do not really know how to, but we'll try. My gf is in marketing so I belief she will do well there for this new service. We want to build it so successful that other countires will want the franchies of it so all of us can own this business and at the same time make this world a better place to live in.

I've already told my gf that this will be the business to learn. Expect ourselves not to get any paycheck for at least 2 years and also be prepared to fail. But don't loose the lessons learnt. Should this business succeed, we will use it to fund the environmental organisation we already have so that more beneficial activities can be organised to make people more aware and play a part to protect the environment we live in!

We will succeed! Should any of you have any advices to give us, do feel free to drop your valuable comments. And in case you want to know more about our environmental organisation. It is at

It's 0949Hrs, 19 March 2005 (Sat) here in Singapore. Siging off~


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