Monday, February 28, 2005

My second Blog! (27/02/2005 )

My second blog! On the last blog, I have just joined the insider access wanting to learn more to help me increase my FQ to achieve my goals. I've placed an order on the 19th Feb and after tracking it EVERY single day, it has finally reached my hands!!!!!

I've bought:
1.Cashflow 202 E-game
2.Road to Riches:6 steps to becoming a successful real estate investor

And they costs me SGD$450!!! I am determined to make the most out of it! This is where my money in my "Investment" piggy bank are spent. Now and then I will invest in my FQ to upgrade myself. But I still spare some of the $$$ in my "Investment" piggy banks and learn to look at stocks and Real estates opportunities in my country so I can invest on them when I have enough.

And just today, I've used my "Savings" piggy bank money to buy a savings plan with my local bank. The thing is, I save about $6 every day and every month, I will save around $200. Hence, I thought of puting it into my very first savings plan. This plan is a long term savings plan of 15 years where there is a non-guaranteed projected minimum and maximum interest per annum.

End of 15 years, I'd have put in $36,000 and the value I will get back (base on the minimum interest project per annum) would be $42,518. Based on the maximum non-guaranteed projection, it'd be $57,298!

I will be looking at other banks to for a 10 and a 5 years savings plan as my pay goes up to put my "Savings" piggy money.

I have also put aside $65 per month to buy an accident plan. Which means IF I should die in any accident or have any permanent disabilities, i will be paid SGD$250,000. In case of death, my immediate family will get it in equal shares (based on the Singapore laws since I have not made any wills as yet). In case of any major illness, i will also be paid SGD$250,000. This is made such that should I loose my ability to work, it will not burden my family for awhile. Reason for the value insured is based on surviving $2K/month for 10 years.

Today I've also made some changes to my personal monthly cashflow:
Earned- $2100

Transport- $300
Food- $300
Parents- $500
Laptop loan- $192
CC loan- $138

Frd 1 (Arm) owes- $304
Frd 2 (Reg) owes- $88
Frd 3 (Pris) owes- $20
Frd 4 (Kev) owes- $20
Frd 5 (Z X ) owes- $50
Frd 6 (L P) owes- $500
Work Transport claim - $22

Laptop loan- $3840 (20 more months to go)
CC loan- $2760 (20 more months to go)


And out of my $670 of cashflow, i've decided to do these:

"Savings" piggy bank:
15 years saving plans with bank 1- $200
Accident plan- $65

"Investments" piggy bank:

"Charity" piggy bank:


Whew...what an change! I'm glad I did my statements here, this help me to keep track of what I have done and what I will do.

Next, few things I have set to do for the next two weeks to improve my FQ:
1. Meet up my financial advisers
2. Finish the book "ABCs to real estate investing" by 5th March 05
3. Play 101 e-game at least once a day
4. Learn how to play 202 (Since I've just gotten it!! Hurray!) by 5th March 05

That's all! Signing off now. ~PoOf~

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Day One

Well, since my seminar with RK last's Nov in Singapore. I haven't really done too much. Tried to look at some deals but not really know how to do it. Sheesh, the world (those around me at least) thinks RK's way is absolute rubbish and it's not as easy to be financially free as he claim. Well, I come to think it's more of "Can I even carry out the SIMPLE tasks that RK does diligentfully."

I've bought these books (Those I've finished are marked in *):
Rich dad Poor dad*
Cashflow Quadrant*
Guide to becoming rich*
Rich dad poor dad for teens*
Guide to investing (Halfway, too think, read until I fall asleep)
ABC guide to Real estate investing (Halfway, I have not really done all the little tasks covered by the book so far)
ABC guide to build a successful business team (untouched)

And I've bout the audio on "Choose to be rich" and have watched it's little VCD inside and listen to only 6 of the audio CDs so far. Still trying to do the simple few stuffs. And proudly because of this audio, I started to have the three little piggy banks and put one buck in each bank every single day. When I went to Thailand for my work in Jan, I stopped, now I'm back and I'll start doing it!

I bought the 101 E-game and only just signed up to the insiders today so i can play online with other players. Sadly, so far there ain't anyone who wants to play 101. I guess the guys are more interested in 202. Reason for buying the E-game is because I really don't have anyone to play the board version with and since I am on the computer most of the time, well, an E-game is a fabby idea.

Just last night, I bought two more products:
1. 202 the E-game
2. Rich Dad's Roads to Riches: 6 Steps to Becoming a Successful Real Estate Investor - CD/DVD

I presume these new products will come in by end of the week.

And now I start writing the BLOG. It's my first but I will use this to keep track of myself and try my best to write it diligently and so I know how my progress is.

Oh ya, a rough intro of myself. I work in the Republic of Singapore Air Force as an Air traffic controller. Work's tough but managable. And I am involved in the following community service:
1. A group of friends and I started this non-government, non-profit environmental organisation in Singapore called Environmental Challenge Organsiation (Singapore) at the web

2. A executive committee member of my community's youth group

3. Red cross volunteer

4. Training in charge for my local zoo. at

And now for the most important part, my goals:
1. Be financially stable by 30.
2. Be financially free by 35.
3. Spend my life to serve the community and be fully able to emerge in it when I am financially free such as running to be a Minister of Parliment in the Cabinet in my country.

Well, I just send in my application to study in the local university to get a degree in Political Science.

Gee...long essay. I've also taken up other books and courses to improve my brain and above:
1. Silva's Method (the book and the 3 day course locally. )
2. Napoleon hill
3. Guide to stocks
4. Other financial books to get my fundamentals done.

Have spoke to a few bankers and real estate agent. Don't have the time to follow up with them, things seems tough to cope with so many things on hand. But I will take it gradually but firmly. far that's all for my first blog. All my back grounds, where I am now and where I want to head. Next is action from tml onwards.

Time now locaaly 2232Hrs. An I'm signing off. Good night.