first MAJOR public speech
Oh well, this third one was because Raymond hope that what I do can inspire other youths to also do the same. I will be at SRJC on Monday afternoon 2pm giving this speech. No time limit, no theme. Just talk to inspire the youths.
After much thoughts, I guessed I finally think I will label this talk as, "What do you want in life?" Maybe I can write what I'm gonna talk about it here sorta to prepare myself.
Good Afternoon Principal, head of departments, teachers and fellow youth stake holders of the future.
Today, I've been given this opportunity to talk to all of you about what I do, in hope to inspire as much of you as possible. When I was told about this, I was both excited and tensed. To be honest, this is my first time speaking to such a big crowd. To me it is a challenge and I am glad to have taken this up and be here now. My role here is to share my little experiences I had been through for the past 24 years of my life.
To start off, I'd like to ask everyone of you to take a moment to think through this question that I am going to ask you. What do you want in life? Some of you might have thought of it and for most, you might not have. But if the later which is the case, should you start thinking of it now? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Say 20, 30 or even 40? What do you want to do? What do you want to achieve?
Just last friday, I asked an SAF Scholar this question. His was, to do the best in whatever he does. And when he asked me the same question, I told him, "Bro, you gotta be prepared for a loooong answer". And his reply sortof brought me into deep thoughts. He just said, "In one sentence. What you want in life should be put in one sentence." Looking back at what I am doing, what I am heading and the plans I have already laid out for myself, I told him, "I want to create a sustainable lifestyle." He replied, "the you will need to get people to understand what 'Sustainable' and 'lifestyle' means". I replied, "Sustainable=Using today's resources w/o jeopardizing tomorrow's or other's resources" and "Lifestyle=making an everyday decision".
So, what is yours?
Some or most of you will choose being "Rich". But think again, how rich is rich? What is meant by rich? Is it 1 million, 2 million or 1 billion? I have met a handful of very successful businessmen and woman who are in their 40s, well established and "RICH" they call themselves. But is that it? Is life about just being rich? At their age, they crave for something more important in life, they look for something to fill them up, they look for a worthy cause to champion or live for. I call them the lucky bunch. They were freed from the financial "burden" early and had a chance to live their dreams. If you know the 80/20 rule, they are the 20. What about the rest of the 80? The work hard for money only to end up complaining that it is not enough and yet time and again getting into more debts and end up being enslaved by their job. Their dreams? What they want in life? For those whom I have known, they just take the dream as a dream, they just want to get find a better job and get rich quick.
I remember engaging with a good old friend just before I wanted to tender my resignation from the Air Force. He told me that not everyone dared to go after their dreams. And I was lucky. For them, they are bounded their financial situation.
I have brought up some of these dreams related examples because I have realized how important it is to dream and go for it. Getting rich is only a mean to reach your dream. Or you don't even need to be rich to reach your dreams! You just have to live it. I've learnt from one of my mentors, quite a famous guy on finances that, "It's not how much you earn, it's how you manage it and how much of it goes to the bottom line every month." "How?" some of you may ask, my advice, simplify your lifestyle, it's that simple.
Another mentor I had in life taught me another important rule, "It's about giving." And if you study most of the rich people out there, they give. I've accepted that to get you must first give. So I cringe whenever I hear people saying, when I have enough money, then I'll give. So how much is enough? Giving doesn't come in term of monetery, it can be in terms of heart, times and even words. Words like "Don't worry, I'm here" means so much for those who are in the verge of life and death. Put it this way, if you don't give your time by working, how do you get paid?
Because of the dream I chose, a group of friends and myself setup a NPO,NGO called Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore) or ECO for short. It targets at youth like ourselves to be able to get us realized something called Global Citizenship. To have environmental issues looked at holistically and how we need to change our lifestyle to have a more sustainable future. Look around you, why is oil prices going up? Why does poverty prevail? Why is the climate changing? Are you the problem? Or do you want to be the solution? Your day to day decisions will make a differences. We don't need you to make a major change, we just you to make every change count. Small ones at a time. Bit by bit. That is enough. But how many of us really bother?
Our mission, To increase AWARENESS in environmental issues HOLISTICALLY in order for YOUTHS to choose sustainable LIFESTYLES. How we are going to do it? By getting youth to be more aware of global, regional and local issues through hip and innovative and interactive means.
Eventually, I will setup an empire to deal with all the research into sustainable development, a foundation to support such efforts and a system or degree that is called "Degree in Sustainable Development". I want to be able to create jobs to be able so that for those who need a job can bring home the dough and for those who inspire to do more research in this area can be in the R&D department. In all, I want to change the culture and create a sustainable lifestyle. Being clear on my dream allowed myself to be clear in the jobs I choose. Since i want to setup an empire or a coporation, I need skills like management skills, strategic planning, marketing, human management, leadership and so many others. And when I choose my job, I look at what I can learn about in there, I look at the job if they allowed me to learn skills I need to succeed in life. I sometimes even offer some of my mentor my time for free. "Crazy" some of you might term it. Infact, that's what my dad called me. But if you can see what I see, you will come to realize it is not. It's planning to be what you want to be. So what is your dream? What do you want in life?
I hope I what I have said could make you ponder a little more today, even for just that few seconds. It all starts from there. The rest is up to you, how you want to achieve it. In life, there are greater things than what money can buy, it is your dream.
Thank you for being such a wonderful audience and have a great holiday tomorrow.
Not sure if I will use it, but it sure helps...
that's all for now...taZzzzzz....
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